
Anesthesiology 2017; 126:214-22
PMID: 27984262
Methods: Two hundred sixty adult patients were recruited at six sites into a prospective cohort study of the isolated forearm technique after intubation. Demographic, anesthetic, and intubation data, plus postoperative questionnaires, were collected. Univariate statistics, followed by bivariate logistic regression models for age plus variable, were conducted.
Results: The incidence of isolated forearm technique responsiveness after intubation was 4.6% (12/260); 5 of 12 responders reported pain through a second hand squeeze. Responders were younger than nonresponders (39 ± 17 vs. 51 ± 16 yr old; P = 0.01) with more frequent signs of sympathetic activation (50% vs. 2.4%; P = 0.03). No participant had explicit recall of intraoperative events when questioned after surgery (n = 253). Across groups, depth of anesthesia monitoring values showed a wide range; however, values were higher for responders before (54 ± 20 vs. 42 ± 14; P = 0.02) and after (52 ± 16 vs. 43 ± 16; P = 0.02) intubation. In patients not receiving total intravenous anesthesia, exposure to volatile anesthetics before intubation reduced the odds of responding (odds ratio, 0.2 [0.1 to 0.8]; P = 0.02) after adjustment for age.
Conclusions: Intraoperative connected consciousness occurred frequently, although the rate is up to 10-times lower than anticipated. This should be considered a conservative estimate of intraoperative connected consciousness.
Background: The isolated forearm technique allows assessment of consciousness of the external world (connected consciousness)through a verbal command to move the hand (of a tourniquet-isolated arm) during intended general anesthesia. Previous isolated forearm technique data suggest that the incidence of connected consciousness may approach 37% after a noxious stimulus. The authors conducted an international, multicenter, pragmatic study to establish the incidence of isolated forearm technique responsiveness after intubation in routine practice.
背景:隔離前腕技法は、全身麻酔中に(駆血帯で隔離された腕の)手を動かすという口頭での命令によって、意識を評価することを可能にする。以前に隔離前腕技法のデータは、有害な刺激の後に意識の発生率が37%に近づく可能性があることを示唆している。 著者らは、通常の手技で前腕技法での応答性の発生率を確立するために国際的、多施設的、実践的な研究を行った。
結果:挿管後の独立した前腕技術応答の発生率は4.6%(12/260)であった。レスポンダー12人のうち5人は、手を絞って痛みがあると伝えた。応答者は交感神経活性化の徴候(50%対2.4%; P = 0.03)がより頻繁である非応答者(39±17対51±16歳; P = 0.01)より若かった。どの患者も、術中事象を術後にはっきり覚えていなかった(n = 253)。群間で、麻酔深度は広い範囲を示したが、応答者で挿管前(54±20対42±14; P = 0.02)および後(52±16対43±16; P = 0.02)で高い値を示した。挿管前に揮発性麻酔薬への暴露され全静脈麻酔でなかった者は、年齢調整後の反応のオッズ比を低下させた(オッズ比0.2 [0.1〜0.8]、P = 0.02)。
